Howl's Moving Castle

Wiredのコラム Miyazaki's Castle Crumbles から,1412,67796,00.html?tw=wn_tophead_5

Similar to Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away, Hayao Miyazaki's Howl's Moving Castle is a sumptuously illustrated fairy tale with a pro-environment and anti-war slant, though unlike those modern classics, the anime titan's latest effort suffers from a narrative confusion that bogs down its initially effervescent spirit.



Still, despite his plot's eventual devolution into perplexing chaos, the filmmaker's attention to detail (such as Calcifer climbing on top of, and around, the logs that fuel his flames) and affection for his protagonists nonetheless show in every vividly sculpted frame. And anyway, given the current, uneven state of domestic Hollywood animation, even a lesser Miyazaki effort is superior to 99 percent of its American contemporaries.


ほほぅ。これまた興味深いですね。 pixarとかdisneyのアニメと比べると、確かに内容は複雑ですが骨太で見ごたえありますね、宮崎作品は。